Appreciating oneself is considered to be an art – cherished and treasured a lot more than any form of external validation. Obviously there shall arise a lot of arguments on this issue.As always these are my personal thoughts and no one should consider them valid without practice.

I am not saying that we should shun the society’s and on a larger scale , the world’s judgement/appreciation/validation . That practice will never help us understand our shortcomings and won’t push us to become better.But the person who can motivate you the most is you yourself ;self-validation and self-assessment in a good sense is required for complete development.

When we achieve something or when accomplish our desired objective there is bound to be noise (pardon me) – I meant people’s reaction to our achievements . This might be both good and bad and how one should react to that , I will be talking about that in articles to come .This being said and whatever be the external noise , we must learn to appreciate our achievements.Yes we might not always be completely satisfied and that’s completely fine.

You have worked really hard to achieve it , and finally when you are at finish line the least you can do is congratulate yourself – give yourself the minimum amount of credit. No matter the outcome, be proud of your efforts – this pushes you to do better next time , motivates you to be a better version of yourself . You are your best and biggest critique (once again this is my personal opinion) and the sooner you realize this ,you will stop demeaning yourself and will never think little of yourself irrespective of the ‘noise’ . Practice to stay focused ,give it your all and keep appreciating yourselves.

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