In our life we face many such obstacles and situations which might be directly or indirectly connected to us ;situations in which we can’t do much about it. My advice won’t be to just give up -no that’s never an option.I will always encourage you to do everything in your power to rescue the situation but if you keep fighting a lost war ,it will never help in your personal growth.

In our life we face many such obstacles and situations which might be directly or indirectly connected to us ;situations in which we can’t do much about it. My advice won’t be to just give up -no that’s never an option.I will always encourage you to do everything in your power to rescue the situation but if you keep fighting a lost war ,it will never help in your personal growth.

If you keep worrying about something that was never in your hand in the first place , then you seriously need to access the situation properly.The situation doesn’t need your attention anymore and continuous worrying about it and trying to get yourself involved in it,won’t just make things worse but have an adverse and long-lasting effect on you and your mental health.Learn to detach your mind,soul and even your physical existence from such situations.

Truth be told it is easier said than done. We as human beings are meant to worry and it takes quite a bit of spiritual practice to detach ourselves from these kind of situations.But as always there is no harm in giving it a try whenever the opportunity arises(sooner than you would expect).

My final thoughts on this subject would be that in both the scenarios , when things are in your power and even when they are completely out of our hands ;worrying and torturing oneself is never the solution -decide for yourself.

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